Welcome to Inventory-Management.de

This site covers decision problems related to inventory management. In contrast to other decision problems resulting in the building up of stock, such as lotsizing decisions, inventory management is primarily about specifying the size and placement of safety stocks. These are required at different locations and in many nodes of a supply network to protect the regular and planned course of value-added processes against random disturbances occuring with respect to the demand as well as the replenishment lead time. In most companies the correct application of up-to-date inventory management methods will unleash significant potential of cost savings.

Use the Production Management Trainer (PMT) to analyse different inventory policies. PMT is an educational software tool that is being used by thousands of users (students, SCM professionals, universities).

The Inventory Optimizer for Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile supports safety stock calculations for different standard inventory policies (s,q), (r,S), (s,S) with regular and irregular demand. Calculation of optimum parameter values at your fingertips. Runs on PC, Tablet, and Mobile Phone.

Inventory management methods with proven applicability in industrial practice are illustrated in detail in the following textbook:

Tempelmeier, H. (2020). Inventory Analytics. 3rd Edition, Norderstedt: Books on Demand.

'Inventory Management'

The Inventory Optimizer implements state-of-the-art methods for inventory optimization. Read more...
Available in the Windows store:
Get it on Windows 10

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